
Lectures and Academic

Lectures and Academic


Materialism: A Historico-Philosophical Introduction

Review of book by Charles Wolfe, for HOPOS.

A New Republic of Letters?

Talk given at conference on Global Humanities, Italian Cultural Institute, New York.

Humoural Bodies and Balanced Minds

Keynote talk at conference "Situating Mental Illness: Between Scientific Certainty and Personal Narrative", ICI, Berlin, April 29th, 2011

La quete de l’equilibre: ame, vertus, humeurs

Piece on the humours published in the French journal Corps (March 2010).

"Just Life in a Nutshell": Humours as Common Sense

Paper given at a one-day symposium on "Folk Epistemologies", at the Italian Academy for Advanced Studies, Columbia University, NY, on October 26th, 2007. Published in The Philosophical Forum (Fall 2008: 39-3).


Opaque Humors, Enlightened Emotions, and the Transparent mind

Published in the journal Res: Anthropology and Aesthetics (Harvard University Press), issue 51, spring 2007.

Humoural Passions and Seasoned Cares

Lecture given in 2004 at a conference at Barnard, "Medicine Across Cultures: Medicine and the Mind, 600-1000 AD".

Reason and Emotion in the Early Enlightenment

Presented in 2003, first at the Italian Academy, Columbia University, then as a University Professors Occasional Lecture at Boston University.


Of Reasons, Humours and Passions: Explanatory Structure and the Mind-Body Problem

The "philosophical manifesto" underlying Passions and Tempers: A History of the Humours, presented in 2002 as a luncheon-seminar at the Italian Academy, Columbia University, while at work on the humours project as a Fellow there.


Form and Function in the Early Enlightenment

An article about the relation between anatomical form and physiological function, derived from the doctoral thesis and published in Perspectives on Science, 14:2 (2006), pp. 153-189.


Deafness, Ideas and the Language of Thought in the Late 1600s

Published in the British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 13: 2 (2005), pp. 233-262; based on a chapter from the doctoral thesis.


Adam’s Spectacles: Nature, Mind and Body in the Age of Mechanism

Full text of the (unpublished) doctoral thesis.