Articles and Essays
Piece written for Aeon on the Syndrome E hypothesis: "Is Neuroscience Getting Closer to Explaining Evil Behavior?"
Written for issue on "States of Mind" of Lapham�s Quarterly
For Architectural Digest
Written for Lapham´s Quarterly issue on "Flesh".
Response to the 2016 Edge Question: What do you consider the most interesting scientific news? What makes it important?
Written for New York Daily News after the Paris attacks of November 13th, 2015.
The Passage from Normal to Dark
A testimonial written for Politico on the day after the Paris attacks of November 13th.
Lectures and Academic
Materialism: A Historico-Philosophical Introduction
Review of book by Charles Wolfe, for HOPOS.
Talk given at conference on Global Humanities, Italian Cultural Institute, New York.
Humoural Bodies and Balanced Minds
Keynote talk at conference "Situating Mental Illness: Between Scientific Certainty and Personal Narrative", ICI, Berlin, April 29th, 2011
Humoural Bodies and Balanced Minds
Keynote talk at conference "Situating Mental Illness: Between Scientific Certainty and Personal Narrative", ICI, Berlin, April 29th, 2011
La qu�te de l��quilibre: �me, vertus, humeurs
Piece on the humours published in the French journal Corps (March 2010).
"Just Life in a Nutshell": Humours as Common Sense
Paper given at a one-day symposium on "Folk Epistemologies", at the Italian Academy for Advanced Studies, Columbia University, NY, on October 26th, 2007. Published in The Philosophical Forum (Fall 2008
Response to the 2015 Edge Foundation Annual Question: What do you think about machines that think?
An essay on nostalgia, for Indian Quarterly (issue 3:2, January-March 2015).
A review of John Adams´s opera A Flowering Tree, in Indian Quarterly, Vol 2, Issue 4.
As A Lute Out Of Tune: Robert Burton�s Melancholy
Piece written for The Public Domain Review.
Written for the "roundtable" blog of Lapham´s Quarterly.