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The Three Souls, conference organised with Paris 7/Sphere, Paris, Reid Hall, 5-6 October 2018



“Equilibre, Humeurs, Harmonie”, XXIVèmesAssises Nationales de la Fédération Nationale des Enseignants du Yoga, Troyes, May 2017 


Professional Vices in Modern Medicine, Warwick University (convener: Quassim Cassam), February 2017


“Histoires de coeur: Humeurs, esprit et cerveau de la Grèce antique à la médecine moderne”, Cardiology department, Hôpital Lariboisière, Pais, 2015


“Humours in the Age of Neuroscience”, Neurology department, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, December 2015 


Arts, Emotions, and Liberal Arts, a talk at the History & Theory Department of the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Israel, 25 December 2013.


Passions and Tempers: A discussion with Giovanni Frazzetto at SoHo House Berlin, 28 June 2013.


Humoural Bodies and Balanced Minds: Keynote lecture at conference Situating Mental Illness: Between Scientific Certainty and Personal Narrative, European Neuroscience and Society Network, Berlin Institute for Cultural Inquiry, Berlin, 28-29 April 2011.


`A New Republic of Letters?’, conference on Global HumanitiesItalian Cultural Institute, NY, May 27, 2010.


The New Biology and the Self, with Steven Pinker, Melvin Konner. Tufts Center for the Humanities, Boston, MA, November 5th, 2009. 


Humours in the Age of NeuroscienceTufts Center for the Humanities, Boston, MA, November 4th, 2009. 

Passions and TempersTalks@Google, Google Campus, Mountain View, CA, April 2nd, 2009.                            

Humoural Passions and Patient CareInstitute for the History of Psychiatry (Department of Psychiatry), Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York City, October 15th, 2008. 


Guest of Lewis Lapham on “The World in Time” to speak about Passions and Tempers, Bloomberg Radio, broadcast July 7, 2008. 


Wine, Body, Soul3rd International Conference on the Philosophy of WineUniversity of Gastronomic Sciences, Pollenzo (Piemonte, Italy),  May 30-31, 2008. 


Humeurs, Esprits, Cerveau, seminar at NaSH groupInstitut Jean Nicod, Ecole Normale, Paris, May 5th, 2008. 


Humours in the age of neuroscience, “Science and Society Forum Lecture”, EMBL (European Molecular Biology Laboratory), Monterotondo (Rome), March 21, 2008.



Passions and Tempers, at British Institute, Florence.   



Guest of Melvyn Bragg on In Our TimeThe Four Humours, BBC Radio 4, broadcast live on December 20th, 2007.

Just Life in a Nutshell: Humours as Common Sense, symposium on “Folk Epistemologies”, Italian Academy for Advanced Studies, Columbia University, New York, October 26th, 2007.



 “On Secularism”:, for the Italian journal Micromega.




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